Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am thankful for my life and family

I am thankful for my life because its good. I am also thankful for my family because they help me when I'm in trouble and i help them back. I'm also thankful for God because he dead for our sins


1)Who is called the father of Biblical Faith? Abraham

2)What does God promoise to Abram as the covenant?What is the sign of that covenant for Abram's people? Gods promise was from Abram's offspring will come a great nation, a blessing for the world. The sign of that covenant for Abram's people was Circumcision.

3)Why are Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed? Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of a rape of some young men (or angels) to whom Lot has given shelter.

4)Who is traditionally known as the father of the Arab peoples? Ishmael(bedouin)

5)What is emphasized as a forbidden act in the story of Abraham's test? God bids Abraham to take Isaac, to a place on a mountain and sacrifice him as a holocaust-Human Sacrifice

6)Which of Abraham's sons is destined to become an ancestor of the Israelites? Whom does that son marry?Isaac. Rebekah.


1.I believe in God
2.I believe in hardwork
3.I also believe in passing all of my classes
4.I believe in going to college
5.I believe in Faith
6.I believe becoming a doctor or a NBA player
7.I believe in passing my Midterms more better
8.I believe that Jesus can look after be
9.I believe in love
10.I believe in second chances


In trail we wanted toknow if pilot was guilty or not guilty.At the end of the trial the jury said he was not guilty. I was soldier number one they asked me through all of my years as a soldier how many people i whiped and then i said one-hundred. It was a good trial and i think that pilot should of been guilty.

The Risen

How does the fortieth anniversary of Dr. King's assassination connect to the resurrection of Jesus?
Use datails from the resurrection accounts and your knowledge of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr to develop your answer.

The fortieth anniversary of Dr. King's assassination connect's to the resurrection of Jesus because we know the Jesus die for us and forgave our sins.Dr. King die trying to help the blacks and whites unite as one.Jesus and Dr. King are important people to know about.

Knowing about Jesus and Knowing Jesus

What is the difference between knowing about Jesus and Knowing Jesus? I think you should believe in Jesus to know him but, knowing about him is just hearing things. If you know Jesus then you know all the things that he's been through. To know him you pray to him and read the bible.

The 7 Necessities

Our Father ,give us the food we need to survive
Give us the courage to do what is right
Give us the power to empower others
Give us the integrity to help those less fortunate
Give us the responsibility to learn
Give us the knowledge to succeed in all that we do
And give us the love to care for one another
In Jesus' name,